Delivering Healthy Returns in Commercial Real Estate

A Global Real Estate Advisory and Brand Management Company

Senaura Spaces’ expertise is to transform and evolve offices and buildings to drive occupancy, price per square foot and interest. By identifiyng what will best resonate with a market and finding the insight to future proof success, Senaura Spaces creates strategies and designs that are transformative, innovative and often luxuriously biophilic.


Services range from insight gathering to competitive landscape analysis to interior design and innovation. In all work undertaken, Senaura Spaces will partner with clients to ensure branding is updated to appropriately reflect the transformation and marketed to audiences through the appropriate channels.

Designed to Work

Refresh your interior through color and art. This package includes design consultation, recommendation and implementation.

Health of the Business

An audit of sentiment by building occupants and/or employee satisfaction. Provides a baseline for future action or review of past implementations.

Feel It Work

A retainer that reviews a space in its entirety to identify appropriate physical changes, interior redesigns and the integration of innovation.