
See what we can do for you

From full building strategies to one-off upgrades, Senaura Spaces knows that improving occupancy rates and increasing a building’s return on investment can come from a variety of solutions. Therefore, all services are bespoke and customized to the specific needs of every customer. Initial meetings will help align the goals while also ensuring timelines and budgets provide focus for next steps.

Below are a few ideas of what Senaura Spaces can offer.


Commercial Space Interior Refresh Icon

Designed to Work

Refresh your interior through color and art. This package includes design consultation, recommendation and implementation.

Commercial Spaces Employee Satisfaction Icon

Health of the Business

An audit of sentiment by building occupants and/or employee satisfaction. Provides a baseline for future action or review of past implementations.

Workplace Expert Icon

Feel It Work

A yearly retainer that ensures a space is reviewed in its entirety to identify appropriate physical changes, interior redesigns and the integration of innovation to surprise and delight building occupants. It also identifies appropriate certifications and the marketing support to advertise changes alongside results.

Consulting Services

Within our bespoke services, Senaura Spaces can advise and consult on many of the features needed to support well-being.

These features include:


From air quality management to supporting the transition to smoke free environments, air quality will be optimized through identification of best-in-class partners to support building occupants and the existing building infrastructure.


Air pollution causes 7 million premature deaths each year globally. 

Source: World Health Organization

  • Air quality management

    Smoke-free environment

    Ventilation design and particle filtration

    Construction pollution management

    Improve supply air

    Air quality monitoring and awareness

    Pollution infiltration management


Nourishing and energizing, water access will be integrated throughout commercial spaces to encourage intake and support tenant health.


 People who mistrust the safety of their water can be more likely to have a lower intake of water and potentially higher intake of sugar-sweetened beverages.

Source: National Library of Medicine

  • Performance metrics and monitoring

    Enhanced quality

    Drinking water promotion

    Moisture management

    Hygiene support


Creating hubs of food and beverage within commercial spaces will attract foot traffic while also retaining and energizing workers on-site during open hours.


Poor nutrition is a top contributor to the global burden of disease, accounting for more than one in every five deaths globally. Unhealthy diets pose a greater risk to morbidity and mortality than drug, alcohol and tobacco use combined.

Source: International WELL Building Institute

  • Responsible food sourcing

    Mindful eating spaces

    Nutritional transparency

    Refined ingredients

    Portion management

    Special diet accommodations

    Food advertising and education


Brighten up commercial tenants’ day by ensuring light is appropriate and well incorporated throughout spaces. This service will also tackle a building’s carbon footprint by strategizing on how to best increase the reliance on natural light and choosing energy efficient lighting where applicable.


Studies show strong links between better views, brighter light and better performance in office environments.

Source: International WELL Building Institute

  • Appropriate light exposure

    Visual lighting design

    Circadian lighting design

    Glare control

    Daylight design strategies

    Occupant lighting control


Get the mind moving by getting the body moving through an integration of office gear and spaces that encourage healthy physical activity.


In one study, teams who stood had greater physiological energy and were less territorial about ideas than those in the seated arrangement. Members of the standing groups reported that their team members were less protective of their ideas. This reduced territoriality [and] led to more information sharing . . .

Source: Washington University in St. Louis

  • Performance metrics

    Thermal zoning

    Individual controls

    Ongoing monitoring

    Humidity control


Enhance productivity and save on energy bills by creating the ideal temperature throughout building spaces and facilities.


Leading research indicates employees perform 15% poorer when the office is overheated and 14% poorer when the office is cold. Thermal discomfort is also known to play a role in sick building syndrome symptoms, which will similarly cause decreases in productivity. One of the highest contributing factors influencing overall human satisfaction in buildings and impacts individual levels of motivation, alertness, focus and mood.

Source: U.S. - ASEAN Smart Cities Partnership

  • Active buildings and communities

    Ergonomic design

    Active furnishings - stand up desks, bike desks, treadmills desks, etc

    Facilities for active occupants

    Physical activity opportunities

    Physical activity promotion

    Physical activity spaces and equipment


In every recommendation and solution across the various services, materials will be identified based on their sustainability and support of health. With a goal to introduce luxuriously biophilic and innovative spaces, areas will also be reviewed in terms of ROI between new, sustainable materials versus retrofitting existing materials across everything from flooring to lighting to furniture. 


The benefits of connecting employees to nature at work extend beyond sustainability, and include positive effects on employees’ well-being and how they perform their jobs. 

Source: Harvard Business Review

  • Material transparency

    Material optimization

    Recycling programs

    Minimal / low hazard pesticide use

    Cleaning products and protocols

    Natural cleaning products


Enjoy the sound of success by minimizing disruptive noises and enhancing soothing sounds. Sound can be coordinated to specific task areas and energy goals.


Sound within an enclosed space from sources such as HVAC equipment, appliances and other people has been shown to hinder productivity, focus,memory retention and mental arithmetic.

Source: International WELL Building Institute

  • Sound reducing surfaces

    Minimize background sounds

    Enhanced audio devices

    Maximum noise level

    Sound barriers

    Coordinated sounds and lighting in public spaces


Design built spaces in a way that enables all individuals to access, participate and thrive within commercial spaces to help shape individual and collective health.


When individuals feel like they belong in the workplace, it can lead to a 56% increase in job performance, a 50% reduction in turnover risk, and a 75% decrease in sick days.

Source: Deloitte

  • New parent support

    Family support

    Diversity and inclusion

    Emergency resources

    Health and wellness promotion

    Occupant surveys

    Health services and benefits


Design strategies, such as increasing contact with nature within built spaces, to support numerous health promoting benefits, including decreased levels of depression and anxiety, increased attentional capacity, better recovery from job stress and illness, increased pain tolerance and increased psychological well-being.


Fact: Globally, an estimated 12 billion working days are lost every year to depression and anxiety at a cost of US$ 1 trillion per year in lost productivity.

Source: World Health Organization

  • Mental health promotion

    Connection to nature

    Connection to place

    Mental health services and education

    Stress management

    Restorative opportunities and spaces

    Tobacco cessation

Out of Box Innovation

From cutting-edge fitness studios to custom scents to sustainable materials, Out of Box innovation will tackle business challenges through bespoke and future-focused solutions across products and spaces that will drive occupant interest and engagement.

Custom Programs to align with Business Values and Strategies

Work with companies to identify and tackle negative impacts to the business as it relates to employee well-being and corporate CSR. One example is developing an app that supports workers by geo-locating their position to suggest the best routes, time to leave for the office and notifying managers of any delays to reduce the stress of commuting. If any delays are noted, the app can also trigger mood-boosting support to be ready upon approach (e.g. a coffee ready at desk).

Space Management

Provides the support needed to manage spaces with trained staff and training materials to ensure spaces are supported not just through physical changes but also through best in class customer service.

Employee and Occupant Satisfaction Audits and Surveys

One of the best ways to identify opportunities and innovation is to regularly check-in with building management, corporate tenants and building occupants (corporate employees and building staff).

Using a combination of surveys delivered via email and app, alongside audits of space usage and occupant behavior, Senaura Spaces will continuously enhance recommendations based on fact rather than assumption. Data can be gleaned in everything from supply chain (food, air usage, toilet paper, etc) to sentiment to occupancy levels.

Data will be regularly analyzed to drive action and establish metrics and benchmarks.

Marketing Support

Ensures that investments into the well-being of occupants are understood and communicated to key stakeholders and audiences by providing guidance on the best communication channels and marketing assets to stand out from the competition and create buzz worthy recognition.